Thursday, October 28, 2010

One Month Old Today (or 2 days ago)

I originally started this blog on Tuesday, the 26th and here it is Thursday, the 28th and I still haven't finished it.  I guess this is just another reminder of being the momma.  LOL!!

So, let's try this again....

Wow, I can't believe my baby boy is one month old today!  It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital, feeling exhausted and relieved all at the same time.  Its funny how quickly time flies by.... one moment the idea of having a child was just a dream, then I was pregnant, before I knew it I was giving birth and now I'm the proud momma of a one month old.

My life has completely changed.  I'm lucky if I get a shower before 1 or 2 in the afternoon, I have no idea of what sleeping for more than 2 hours in a row looks like, my house is a bit more unorganized than normal, my hair has been up more often than not, I've been spit upon, peed on and pooped on and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Jackson is an amazing little boy.  I know that ALL parents think/believe their child is amazing, but I swear mine really is.  He's been lifting his head for a few weeks now and when he's laying on my chest (or daddy's) he digs his feet in and moves his knees.  We are convinced that he will be crawling before too long.  He loves his swing or just being rocked in general.  He loves having his picture taken, but hates the flash.  He loves the bath... Daddy's very excited about this!  Water-baby!!

Time is flying by very quickly and I sometimes wish I could stop time.  But not so that I could get more sleep or take a longer shower, but so that I could just hold my son and look into his beautiful blue eyes.  This stage is very challenging but so far also very rewarding.  We are enjoying every minute and are still in awe that we are his parents.

Happy One Month Birthday, Jackson David!!  We love you more than you know and we are SO excited to watch you grow and to be apart of your life.

One Month Old

Thank Heaven For Little Boys


  1. OMG... did he just turn a month old or a year old? I swear in that second picture if his little hand wasn't in it you could fool me into thinking he was much older!!

    Happy 1 month Jackson!!

  2. Such a handsome little daddy clone!

  3. Shannel- I know, he's getting SO big. I'm in shock everyday with how much he's grown!

    Jen- Thank you!! He looks so much like Matty I wonder where my genes come in.... LOL, Holmes genes are SO strong.
