Friday, January 27, 2012

Project 52.2 Motherhod is..... Getting your child to eat!

In the beginning of Jackson's life feeding him was easy. I nursed. So, every two hours he gave me a little cry and off we went. He ate until he was full and I knew he was getting everything he needed through me. But as he got older we started introducing new things based on books, our doctor and of course other parents. He took to most things well, but then again they all had the same texture, so who wouldn't.
Now, at 16 months I find he can be rather picky. Not what I had in mind for my kids!! (lol)
So a few weeks ago I really started to stress about his food. Was he getting enough of everything he needed?? Was there enough variety?? Some may think I'm crazy and I would have to agree.... I was driving myself crazy with these thoughts !
After speaking to other mothers that I respect, I took a hard look at his food. I realized that he liked a bunch of great, healthy foods and his development wasn't lacking. But I also realized we needed to try new things or old things again.
This is when I realized getting your child to eat, you sometimes need to be creative! Like instead of just a grilled cheese sandwich make it a grilled turkey with an avacado spread! Instead of corn bread how about grating zucchini into the mix! And when he's
enjoying his frozen fruit toss in a few green peas.
There are still a few things I can't seem to get him to eat, but I know they will come in time! But I also know its my job as his mommy to keep introducing and being creative!!
Yummy Breakfast

Monday, January 16, 2012

Project 52.1- Motherhood is.... Finding the Humor

I have heard myself say lately, that I think God has a sense of humor, giving me two boys to raise!!  How crazy, me of all people, two boys?

But I'm beginning to realize that having a boy(s) is probably the greatest gift and lesson God has ever given me.  I've always tried to follow the rules, be prepared, stay clean, do what is expected and I've noticed this can make me really stuck in my "box"!!  I think boys give the sense of stepping outside that box and as a mom you really have no choice but to follow.

So I guess the joke is on me.... Have a sense of humor and life will keep moving, even if you don't follow all the rules.

Jackson is perfect example of stepping outside that box!!  He is at a phase in his life, I think its a phase, lol, of really testing his mommy.  He is doing whatever he can to express his independence.....

Today after hearing him walk into his Grammy and Papa's room, I expected to find him into something or other, but the dog crate??  Never!!  He was sitting with the door shut and had his ball.  He was NOT happy when I took him out!

Too funny!!  Thanks for the giggle son!!

All he needs is a ball and a cage! LOL

Welcome Back- Project 52

For those family members and friends that have been following me.... I am so sorry that I haven't made the time to keep you put to date on all the comings and goings of Jackson.  I know some of you look forward to this blog in order to keep up to date... I promise to make it better.

My New Year's Resolution, if you will and notice I'm a few weeks late already, LOL, is to do more blogging.  Find more time to sit and reflect on my boys!!  Benjamin will be joining our family soon and I want to make sure I don't get anymore behind than I already am.

So at the advice and possible nudge (lol) of my sister-in-law Dani, I am joining the forces of bloggers and doing Project 52.  My goal is to blog once a week on something that caught my attention as a momma and of course pics will follow.  I can't promise in length but will do my best to keep you all inform of life!

Thank you for not giving up on me and for being faithful!

Love you all!!