Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sleeping through the night

Jackson for the most part has always been a pretty good sleeper.  However, we've experienced a few hurdles along the way.  One, he hates to miss anything.  So if there's a party going on or perhaps we are spending our Sunday at Grammy's with his cousins, forget it!  No nap for Jackson :0)  Two, he wasn't really sleeping through the night, this was the hardest for momma.  He would go down at a decent time, maybe around 8 or 830, but then he would start partying around 130 or so.  My quick fix would be to go in and nurse him.  He would fall back to sleep and I would stumble my way back to bed until the party started again around 430, in which I would go back and nurse him again.  I know this sounds awful and totally giving in instead of standing my ground, but he would sleep then until past 8 and for that I was beyond grateful.

Now to be fair, we did try letting him cry it out once or twice, but my heart just couldn't take it.  Matthew was working nights during this time, so I was on my own with the crying it out and I just couldn't do it.  So, I took the easy way out and let him nurse so that we all could sleep.

So when his 6 month well-check came upon us, I decide to start asking questions.  Dr. Welsh made it very clear that I was only helping myself, which of course I knew all too well.  He recommended the Cry It Out Method.  What??  Really??  For how long I asked.... He said that 2 hours wasn't unheard of.  You have got to be kidding!!  Even with as strong willed as Jackson is, Dr. Welsh really didn't see it taking that long.  And truth be told, in the long  run who was I really helping?  Not Jackson!

So the following night (we decided not to start that same day... he just had his shots and was feeling a bit under the weather and I didn't want to add to that) we decided to just do it!  The first night he cried for about 30 minutes.  So hard... I thought I was going to start crying.  The second night....45 minutes.  What??  Why are we going backwards, I thought this was suppose to get easier.  Then the third night... he cried for over an hour.  My strong and determined little boy!!  By the fourth night, he talked for less than 15 minutes.  Crying was over!  Thank you God!!

We are now 12 days into our new routine and I have to admit that letting him Cry It Out worked.  He is sleeping so much better and deeper these days. Not every night is perfect.  He still wakes up around 330 every once in awhile, but he doesn't get to eat.  I walk in, make sure he's okay (is he cold, warm, in pain...the normal momma checks) tell him I love him and then walk back out the door.  He fusses or talks for a bit and then back to sleep he goes.
****Updated info as of 4/16: We are now 5 nights straight of sleeping fully through the night between 11 and 12 hours!  It seems that our efforts have worked!****

I think the part that amazes me most about being a mom.... We sometimes learn the best lessons from our children.  Thank you Jackson for teaching your momma to be just as stubborn and strong-willed as you are.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Helping Momma with Laundry

The other day while folding laundry, Jackson made it clear that he wanted to help.... so into the basket he went.

Im In

What? I don't want to help, just hang out

This is pretty comfy

I know, I'm pretty darn cute

You lookin at me??


I see you

You can't see me....

All done!

Such a great little helper..... and SO into things these days.

Scooting Along and Exploring

As I mentioned before, Jackson has learned the art of scooting.  I have a blanket that I lay on the floor with all of his toys for floor time.  The other day I came back from the bathroom to find him off of the blanket and "exploring" the floor.  I have now started vaccuming the house twice a week instead of just once. LOL.

Matthew took some pretty darn cute pictures the other day of Jackson scooting.  I couldn't decide which ones to share.... so please enjoy the action shots of our boy.

He's 6 months already??

Our little family
Wow, I'm REALLY behind on this Blog!  For all of my out of town family members who rely on this to keep in touch and to watch Jackson grow I'm SO very sorry.

Life here at the Holmes home has been very busy, to say the least.  Where to start......

Here are a few fun new facts about Jackson:

  • He LOVES eating solid foods!!  Anything with fruit or veggies happen to be his favorite
  • He just finished cutting his 3rd tooth.  All three are on the bottom (picture a Bulldog, LOL)
  • He has learned the art of scooting.  He LOVES scooting on his tummy and manages to cover much ground doing so.
  • After a few painful nights (for both of us) he now sleeps through the night, until about 630 or 7.
  • He loves to grab things... So wearing glasses is proving to be a bit of a challenge (LOL).
  • He LOVES taking baths.  The other day he held his breath and kept his eyes open as he put his face in the water.  I think we might have a swimmer on our hands.
  • Bath time fun
  • He is a TOTAL ham and just adores having his picture taken.
  • His new favorite thing to do..... Is to growl.  He straightens his arms in front of him and goes... Grrrrrr. Thank you daddy. :0)  It might be my favorite thing he does these days.

On the 1st of April we took Jackson to his 6 month well check up.  He's now 18 pounds, 8 ounces and 27.5 inches long.  He is in the 95th percentile for his length.  What does that look like?? Lets put it this way, he is longer than my torsos.  Matthew keeps teasing me that Jackson will be taller than I am by the time he is 10!  Heaven help me.

LOVE my snuggle time!!
What else is new.... Matthew and I decided that it would be best for me to stay home with Jackson instead of going back to work.  So in the middle of March I started watching another little boy to help make up the difference in pay.  The first few days proved to be a bit of a challenge, but now, a month later, Jackson and I have completely adjusted to it and we are loving the addition in our home.  I just love watching Jackson light up when he sees baby Jacob.  He's just not sure why he doesn't play yet (Jacob just turned 3 months).

SO serious
Such a big boy drinking out of daddy's glass

All Clean 

Kisses for sister Jayda

Life is fun, crazy, a bit challenging, but overall I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Pinching.... LOL

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Trying Rice Cereal

Originally I started this on Jan 31st

Hehehe, Im adorable!

Almost two weeks ago, my adorable, sleep through the night little man decided that he didn't want to sleep through the night anymore.  Its amazing what a month of sleeping without interruptions can do for a momma... so when Jackson started waking again through the night, I thought I just might die.
But what I did do was realize that perhaps it was time to introduce cereal.  He just seemed to be more hungry than he use to be.

Cereal Mouth
So, this morning Matthew and I introduced Jackson to Rice Cereal.  It wasn't a huge hit, but I think it went very well.  He seemed to like the taste of it and we will eventually get to the point where he will be eating more.  Today was just a step in the right direction.

So we took a video, but for some reason I am unable to upload it. I've been trying for the last few days, so sorry!  I'll keep trying.

Until then enjoy some pictures.


I'm ready!! 

Hmmm... this taste good.

Yep, that was yummy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

4 Months Old Today

4 Months Old (January 2011)
Wow, were did the time go??!!??  I can't believe that exactly 4 months ago today Jackson was born!

Sept. 26, 2010
Some friends of ours just had their first child less than a week ago and I've been thinking a lot about those first couple of days, nights and weeks of Jackson's life.  SO much has changed.  Matthew and I were just talking about that first night alone.... I remember Momma and Papa Holmes being here at the house when Matthew and I brought Jackson home.  They had everything ready for us, including dinner (I really do have the BEST in-laws!!!).  After visiting for a little while they said they were going to leave us and let us get settled.  It was in that very moment that I realized I was a momma!  Holy Cow!!  You're going to leave me with this child, this precious little being??  Talk about scared out of my mind.  How was I going to do this??  But we did and have been for 4 months.  And now that first night seems so long ago and I can't remember life before Jackson.

Jackson once was this little bitty peanut (okay, maybe not little bitty, he was 7lbs 10oz, but you get it....) with no neck control, no real sounds or expressions and he slept all of the time.  Now he's this strong, talkative (wonder were he gets that, LOL), expressive little guy, who looks more and more like a little boy!  He's got a little personality and is really becoming quite independent!

Trying to crawl.... Oh Boy!
Such neck control... time for the big boy toys
Playing on the laptop

What a joy its been to watch him grow these past 4 months!!  I am so incredibly lucky to not only be his momma, but to be with him each and every day to watch him make this steps!  I know I say this a ton, but its so true.... I am SO blessed to be his momma and he truly is the JOY of my life!!  I always knew that being a mom would be a joy, but I never knew it would fill me up this much.  This is what I was meant to do!

Loving on his momma

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Staying home with Momma

Hanging out on his tummy
When I was a little girl I always dreamed of not only being a momma, but being a stay at home momma.  So to say that I've been enjoying my time being home with Jackson would be an understatement! 
Happy Boy after a Nap
There's nothing like hearing him coo first thing in the morning, or sitting on the floor doing tummy time, or watching him and Jayda lock eyes.  To see the excitement and the new discovery that fills his eyes is the true joy of being his momma.

High Pitched Screech

Jackson's new development has been this high pitched screech!  Luckily for you, I haven't figured out how to attach a video yet, LOL!  Its in those moments that I find myself calling him "Jackie".... haha. 

Here are a few new pics to show you how big he's gotten and the new toys and activities he's now enjoying.
So focused 

Playing in his "Baby Einstein" Around the World

Awww... Jayda Girl aka Big Sister
Jungle Floor Mat