Thank you for your patience, I know you've been waiting!
Monday, April 30th
This day has been waited for and anticipated for so many months, weeks and days. Not only is this the day we welcome our second beautiful little blessing but also Matthew's 33rd Birthday. But truth be told I might be getting the BEST gift EVER..... Due to the stress that we faced with the birth of Jackson and the need for a c-section, we knew going into the pregnancy of Benjamin that we would be having a scheduled c-section.
So as the pregnancy came to an end, the date chosen (Daddy's Birthday), I got more and more excited about the birth of our second blessing..... Benjamin Cash!
Matthew and I woke early Monday morning (330 am) got dressed, confirmed we had everything we needed and headed out. We had to be at Kaiser by 430 am and of course I didn't want to be late. With nerves and excitement fluttering through my body, we checked in!
We were showed to our room (sounds more like a hotel stay then a hospital stay) and introduced to my second favorite nurse of ALL time, Leslie. By 6 am I was in bed, getting my IV set up when Grammy walked in. Once all set up we had a bit of time to relax and wait for Auntie Dani and Grammie Smeck to get there.
Leslie! Awesome!! |
We had a collection of doctors and nurses walk in and introduce themselves as we got prepped for Benjamin's arrival. By 7 am, it was time to go. Matthew was all dressed and I was walking myself into surgery (once again... such a difference experience).
All ready to go have this boy |
Once down on the table they let Matthew in and the process started. Matthew unlike last time, was able to participate and see a lot more of the birth, which he found extremely exciting. I like last time, was awake but still pretty much out of it.
By 738 am I heard the first (of many) cries and I knew my beautiful Benjamin was here. My heart grew, tears flew down my face and I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. The nurse in charge of taking care of my blessing, brought him down to me and let me place a kiss on his sweet face! I will never forget the moment I saw him for the first time. Talk about love at first sight!!
First kisses from Momma |
Matthew stayed with Benjamin as they took him to get cleaned up and I got finished in the OR. A little after 8 am all three of us were together in the recovery room. Once they had me all organized they sent for Grammy, Grammie Smeck and Auntie Dani. The recovery room was empty so they let us all hang out together for almost an hour. We took tons of pics and discussed who he looked more like, lol!
Benjamin Cash Holmes Born at 738am 6 lbs 11oz and 19 inches |
By 10 am I was wheeled into my new room, which scary enough was the exact same room I was in with Jackson, 207! Weird!!
Within moments of arrival the troops started coming in. Uncle Omar, Auntie Dani and Lucas came to check out "B$" (As Uncle O calls him), and of course both Grammy and Grammie Smeck. By afternoon Papa Holmes was able to come for a visit too of his newest grandson. Grammie Smeck stayed for the day and allowed Matthew to go home and see Jackson. By that evening both Matthew and my dad, Poppa Bubs were there to enjoy some evening snuggles with the newest arrival.
Papa with Benjamin |
On a personal note.... I decided that I couldn't be kept down, so I insisted on getting out of bed and walking around. I went to bed with out any tubes or IVs. I need to get strong... I now have two little men that need mommy in full capacity!
Tuesday, May 1st.
After a night of little sleep and every two hour feeds... we welcomed our second day of life with Benjamin. Matthew was wonderful and went and got me REAL coffee and a yummy breakfast... hospital food still leaves much to the imagination.
My mom and dad came back for a bit more of a visit and then dad had to leave.... Must get in
Grammie Smeck meeting Benjamin |
Poppa Bubs meeting Benjamin |
Around 11am Grammie and Papa Holmes brought "Big Brother" Jackson for a visit. This was going to be our first moment as a family of four.... My heart was filled with excitement and a bit of anticipation.
Our family of four |
Wednesday, May 2nd
Today is the day we get to take our newest bundle home. To say that we haven't had any issues would be a small fib. Benjamin did have a small case of jaundice so we had to make sure his levels were high enough to allow us to take him home. Thankfully the doctor on duty felt comfortable with him leaving, however we will have to get his heals pricked until his levels rise.
Unlike our departure with Jackson, Matthew and I felt much more at ease leaving with our baby. We dressed Benjamin in his "going home" outfit, once again in family tradition, Matthew picked it out and surprised me with it.
All ready to head home |
At home we were greeted not only by Jackson, but by Auntie Dani, his cousins and of course Grammy and Papa!
So excited!! |
Grammy and Papa Holmes and their 5 grandsons!! Life is SO good! |
One Day Old |
Love |
My beautiful Benjamin |
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