Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sleeping through the night

Jackson for the most part has always been a pretty good sleeper.  However, we've experienced a few hurdles along the way.  One, he hates to miss anything.  So if there's a party going on or perhaps we are spending our Sunday at Grammy's with his cousins, forget it!  No nap for Jackson :0)  Two, he wasn't really sleeping through the night, this was the hardest for momma.  He would go down at a decent time, maybe around 8 or 830, but then he would start partying around 130 or so.  My quick fix would be to go in and nurse him.  He would fall back to sleep and I would stumble my way back to bed until the party started again around 430, in which I would go back and nurse him again.  I know this sounds awful and totally giving in instead of standing my ground, but he would sleep then until past 8 and for that I was beyond grateful.

Now to be fair, we did try letting him cry it out once or twice, but my heart just couldn't take it.  Matthew was working nights during this time, so I was on my own with the crying it out and I just couldn't do it.  So, I took the easy way out and let him nurse so that we all could sleep.

So when his 6 month well-check came upon us, I decide to start asking questions.  Dr. Welsh made it very clear that I was only helping myself, which of course I knew all too well.  He recommended the Cry It Out Method.  What??  Really??  For how long I asked.... He said that 2 hours wasn't unheard of.  You have got to be kidding!!  Even with as strong willed as Jackson is, Dr. Welsh really didn't see it taking that long.  And truth be told, in the long  run who was I really helping?  Not Jackson!

So the following night (we decided not to start that same day... he just had his shots and was feeling a bit under the weather and I didn't want to add to that) we decided to just do it!  The first night he cried for about 30 minutes.  So hard... I thought I was going to start crying.  The second night....45 minutes.  What??  Why are we going backwards, I thought this was suppose to get easier.  Then the third night... he cried for over an hour.  My strong and determined little boy!!  By the fourth night, he talked for less than 15 minutes.  Crying was over!  Thank you God!!

We are now 12 days into our new routine and I have to admit that letting him Cry It Out worked.  He is sleeping so much better and deeper these days. Not every night is perfect.  He still wakes up around 330 every once in awhile, but he doesn't get to eat.  I walk in, make sure he's okay (is he cold, warm, in pain...the normal momma checks) tell him I love him and then walk back out the door.  He fusses or talks for a bit and then back to sleep he goes.
****Updated info as of 4/16: We are now 5 nights straight of sleeping fully through the night between 11 and 12 hours!  It seems that our efforts have worked!****

I think the part that amazes me most about being a mom.... We sometimes learn the best lessons from our children.  Thank you Jackson for teaching your momma to be just as stubborn and strong-willed as you are.

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