Friday, December 31, 2010

Doing it Crib Style

Getting SO big!
Last night was a HUGE night in the Holmes house!!  I made the decision almost a month ago that I wanted to have Jackson sleeping in his crib, or close to it, by the New Year.  So for the last few weeks I've been placing him in his crib during the day for his afternoon naps.  At first it wasn't working like I hoped for.  I would lay him down and he would open his eyes.  I would walk out of his nursery and he would only sleep for about 20 minutes.  Ugh!  I would think, it would be SO much easier if I just let him sleep in my arms, but then reality would kick in and I would realize..... who is this really easier for?!  So I kept it up and before I knew it he was taking hour long naps in his crib, two to three times a day!  That was huge for us.

Yesterday during one of his naps I decided that the day had come and we were going to attempt the crib for the night.  I spent the rest of the day getting my mind around it. LOL, yes I admit it, I was a bit emotional about the decision. And to be truthful, I think we mommas sometimes don't realize how much WE don't want to let go (this of course is just my opinion).  But I realized that the time has come that Jackson not only needs to be in the crib, he's almost too long for his bassinet, but that momma and daddy need their room back (daddy is very pleased with this realization).

So, I moved the humidifier, set up the sound machine, got a heater and found a nightlight.  His room was ready!  Then at 930pm we started the process..... changed his diaper, wrapped him in his SwaddleMe (I LOVE those things, sware by them actually) and nursed him for last time.  By 10pm he was out and ready for bed, but was momma?!  I laid him down and he didn't move... so far so good.

My biggest fear... Was I going to hear him from my room?  Matthew assured me I would, I mean the nursery is just down the hall (LOL), but of course it wasn't as close as being right next to me (duh!!).
But in spite of my fears, Jackson and I were successful!!  He slept like a ROCKSTAR!! Momma heard him when he woke for his feeding and there were NO tears or meltdowns (from either of us)!!

My little Jackyboy is growing up and I am SO proud of him!! He is my pride and joy and I feel SO blessed to be his momma!  To think just 3 months ago he was sleeping in my tummy and now he is sleeping in his own bed (tears...).  PROUD MOMMA!!

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