Friday, September 24, 2010
We were admitted to Roseville Kaiser at 6:15pm to be induced. At this point, Jackson was a week late. We were eager to meet our beautiful little boy. They started with the very basic medications to induce me in hopes of a very smooth labor. We were lucky enough to have an amazing nurse Pam, who promised to be with me every step of the way. Grammy, Poppa Holmes and Auntie Dani came to offer support and keep me entertained as we waited to meet our little boy. By midnight, it proved to be a long evening with no progress in my dilation.
Mommy and Daddy |
With Auntie Dani |
Grammy and Poppa Holmes |
With Nurse Pam |
With Auntie Heidi |
With Grammy Lin and Poppa Bubs |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Today started off to be a very frustrating, long day. Still no progress on the dilation front, and our favorite Nurse Pam's shift was over. This began the frustrating process of musical nurses and doctors, all of whom kept changing the game plan. By 11am we were no further along than the night before when we checked in.
The frustration began to rise in the room as none of us knew what to do, and my pain kept increasing. By this point, the rest of the family had arrived including Grammy Lin and Poppa Smeck, Auntie Heidi and Nathan, and Auntie Kristy. The replacement nurse on duty was my worst nightmare. Not only did she belittle my pain and contractions, but told me I needed to have a realistic expectation of labor. Contractions went from tolerable to tear-filled and exhausting. At this point I did not have any pain medications, it was me and the hands I was holding and squeezing to get me through the hell. All I could think about was that I needed to get to 10:15pm when Nurse Pam was back on duty.
With Auntie Kristy |
Finally it got bad enough, that Matt and Momma Holmes intervened on my behalf, and started scolding nurses and doctors (by this point we are more than 24 hours into labor) to get a plan of action in place for the remainder of the labor. After a little more hell and some payback on our nurse, she finally went to break. While she was gone, another nurse walked in and realized my pain. Before I knew it, an epidural had been ordered along with Pitocin by a faceless doctor, who became my godsend. We are now 28 hours into labor and I finally got some pain relief and was looking at a possible nap for the first time since we checked in.
At 10:45pm, Nurse Pam walked into my room and promised to be with me until the end. She was able to tell us that Jackson was sunny-side-up, and that he was crammed in my pelvis area and that his head was up against my cervix. The next few hours were a blur... clouded by great drugs. I swear Lil' Mama Holmes had an out of body experience equivalent to the hippies of the 1960's.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I wish I could tell you what really was going on. All I know is that by 5:15am we were only at 6cm. Jackson's heart beat was still strong, even though it had taken a few dips at night. In walked Nurse Pam and the doctor to give Matt and I our options. We had two: 1) We could increase the Pitocin and check again in two more hours for any changes, or 2) We could go ahead and have a C-section. Matt and I decided that a C-section was our option. I was so tired and drained that I didn't feel that I had the energy to hang on any longer.
By 5:58am I was being rolled into the OR. At 6:13am, Matt sat down next to me... only long enough to look up and see our son come into the world!!!!!!! Matt said something like, "You should see him babe!", and I could hear Jackson crying. Matt took off with Jackson for his first bath, as I continued on with my surgery. By 6:57am I was being rolled into recovery. A little after 7am, my little boy was placed into my arms for the very first time. The love was overwhelming. We spent the next two hours getting to know each other and meeting the family. By 9am the three of us were admitted into our room.
Jackson David Holmes, 7lbs, 10oz & 21 inches |
Happy Little Boy |
Monday September 27th & Tuesday September 28th
Monday and Tuesday were spent in the hospital as we transitioned as new parents and began the healing from my C-Section. Jackson had visitors and got to meet two of his three cousins. Matt and I were able to get a bit more sleep, finally! It was great spending some quality time just the three of us and we counted down the minutes until we would be able to go home.
Grammy Holmes |
Poppa Holmes |
Grammy Lin |
Poppa Smeck |
Uncle Omie and Cousins, Lucas and Evan |
Very Proud Daddy |
Very exhausted, yet happy Mommy |
Our Family of three |
By Tuesday late afternoon, Matt and I pulled up to our home with our new little bundle of joy!! Grammy and Poppa Holmes were there to greet us and soon Auntie Dani, and cousins, Gabe, Lucas and Evan joined us to welcome Jackson home.
Coming Home |
Welcome Home Jackson David |
Though it was a challenging few days to say the least, what a beautiful, beautiful outcome. Looking forward to reading more. :)