Sunday, February 6, 2011

Trying Rice Cereal

Originally I started this on Jan 31st

Hehehe, Im adorable!

Almost two weeks ago, my adorable, sleep through the night little man decided that he didn't want to sleep through the night anymore.  Its amazing what a month of sleeping without interruptions can do for a momma... so when Jackson started waking again through the night, I thought I just might die.
But what I did do was realize that perhaps it was time to introduce cereal.  He just seemed to be more hungry than he use to be.

Cereal Mouth
So, this morning Matthew and I introduced Jackson to Rice Cereal.  It wasn't a huge hit, but I think it went very well.  He seemed to like the taste of it and we will eventually get to the point where he will be eating more.  Today was just a step in the right direction.

So we took a video, but for some reason I am unable to upload it. I've been trying for the last few days, so sorry!  I'll keep trying.

Until then enjoy some pictures.


I'm ready!! 

Hmmm... this taste good.

Yep, that was yummy!